Quickstart - Flowbite Svelte

Learn how to get started with the free and open-source Flowbite Svelte UI component library based on the utility classes from Tailwind CSS

You can install Flowbite Svelte by using the flowbite-svelte-start or from scratch.

Getting started #

Learn how to get started with Flowbite Svelte by following the quickstart guide and start leveraging the interactive Svelte components coupled with Flowbite and Tailwind CSS.

Using SvelteKit #

You can install SvelteKit or Svelte to start your app. For SvelteKit:

npm create svelte@latest my-app
cd my-app
pnpm install

Using Svelte #

If you want to get started with Svelte:

npm create vite@latest myapp -- --template svelte
cd myapp
pnpm install

Install Tailwind CSS #

In order to enable the utility classes from Tailwind CSS install the package using NPM:

npx svelte-add@latest tailwindcss
pnpm i

Run a local development server by running:

pnpm dev

Install Flowbite Svelte #

Run the following command to install all Flowbite dependencies and libraries:

pnpm i -D flowbite-svelte flowbite

Optional #

Install flowbite-svelte-icons for the examples to work properly:

pnpm i -D flowbite-svelte-icons

Configuration #

Update the tailwind.config.cjs file from your root project folder to let the Tailwind CSS compiler know where to look for the utility classes and also set up the Flowbite plugin.

In the provided code below, you can customize the primary color by modifying the appropriate color values. To change the primary color, simply uncomment the desired color object and modify the corresponding color values as needed.

import flowbitePlugin from 'flowbite/plugin'

import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss';

export default {
	content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}', './node_modules/flowbite-svelte/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}'],
  darkMode: 'selector',
	theme: {
		extend: {
      colors: {
        // flowbite-svelte
        primary: {
          50: '#FFF5F2',
          100: '#FFF1EE',
          200: '#FFE4DE',
          300: '#FFD5CC',
          400: '#FFBCAD',
          500: '#FE795D',
          600: '#EF562F',
          700: '#EB4F27',
          800: '#CC4522',
          900: '#A5371B'

	plugins: [flowbitePlugin]
} as Config;

Now you should be able to work with the Flowbite Svelte library and import components such as the navbar, dropdown, modal, and more.

Now you are ready to go! Add the following to src/routes/+page.svelte and if you see the following image, then your setting is complete.

  • Svelte
  import { Alert } from 'flowbite-svelte';

<div class="p-8">
    <span class="font-medium">Info alert!</span>
    Change a few things up and try submitting again.

Starters #

You can use one of starter repo for a quick start.